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Frequently Asked Questions
"If you have questions, chances are you're not the only one!"

Top 3 FAQs;

Q.  Can you please contact me by phone.

A. Sorry we have no dedicated phone service. It is slow and cumbersome and without record keeping. The majority of our patients are not yet out to friends or family and cannot take uncoordinated cold calls. Email exchange is safest and most convenient.


Q. How long should my hair be?

A. For electrolysis, we need between 1mm and 3mm length. Enough to get tweezers on the hair, without the hairs overlapping and making visibility poor.

For laser, shave flush to the skin.


Q. How many sessions will it take?

A. There is unfortunately no way to know for sure. Depending on patient pain tolerance and healing, we can clear hairs anywhere between 500 and 3000 an hour. Most patients who have full male beards require somewhere between 35 and 55 hours to permanently clear to a maintenance stage. The shortest on record was 11 hours, the longest 205 hours. Typically it is around 7 months from initial treatment before most patients are completely satisfied with their progress. For laser, roughly 3 sessions are required to get significant reduction. Spaced 6 weeks apart.


Q. How many Sessions can I book in a row?

A. There is no limit to the number of sessions that can be booked in a row. However do consider that the effects of analgesia decline over time. Longer sessions will also cause the electrologist to inevitably tire, reducing the value of the session, We recommend no more than 3 hours in a given day.


Q. How many sessions can I book in a week?

A. There is no limit to the number of sessions that can be booked per week, so long as different areas are treated each session. If the bookings are to treat the same area. We recommend at least 5 days between sessions as revisiting an area that has been recently treated can promote scarring in that area. 


Q. Can I use electrolysis concurrently with laser therapies?

A. No, it is preferable to give at minimum 2 weeks gap between either treatment, as treating areas that have been exposed to high concentrations of UV radiation, or otherwise are still healing from succesful treatment can promote tissue damage and the production of scar tissue. 


Q. Can I use the laser gel I was sold at my laser sessions as aftercare?

A. Maybe! Although a simple Aloe Vera gel without additive is cheap and most effective and available at all chemists and supermarkets and has worked without complication for over a century. But if you want to know, bring it on the day and show your electrologist. And remember avoiding touching the area, and keeping it clean and dry is essential to reducing infection risk


Q. I'm worried about these marks/spots/redness/welts/scabbing/itchiness. What do I do?

A. You have three ports of call. Firstly, please check with the "Is this right?" page here on our website. If you still have concerns, take a photo and send it to using the title "Post Treatment Concerns [Name]" and it will be reviewed and responded to promptly. There is no charge to this service and you may use it as many times as you need to feel safe and comfortable. Finally, If you are still concerned, Avoid using any additional products you may have handy and make an appointment with your usual GP and remember to keep the area clean and dry as best you can. 


Q. I forgot and accidentally applied my usual makeup today. What do I do?

A. Wash it off thoroughly with warm water several times and pat dry with a towel. Avoid makeup wipes that may be treated with products that are harsh for your skin. Apply Aloe Vera afterwards and reassure yourself that it will be okay, we've all done this. 


Q. I am prone to scarring and discolouration. Is electrolysis right for me?

A. Patients who are prone to scarring and discolouration should disclose this information in their medical history screening form. We have a selection of specialised needles and instruments that have been shown to reduce the risk of scarring or discolouration. But would recommend treating a small area first as a test area on first treatment session. 


Q. I have frequent breakouts and skin is often very oily or dry. Is electrolysis right for me?

A. Electrolysis can only be safely performed on healthy skin. If you are prone to acne, or are experiencing an acne, cold sore or eczema flare up, consider delaying electrolysis until this is less prominent as the risk of tissue damage and infection is higher in patients who have certain skin conditions and while receiving certain skin condition treatments such as topical corticosteroids. 


Q. I have braces or a lot of fillings, is electrolysis safe for me?

A. Yes electrolysis can be performed on people with braces or fillings. Although an electrical current is used, it is very small. Some patients report a slight metallic taste during the procedure. This is safe and can be reduced or eliminated by switching over to diathermy of thermoflash.


Q. I am looking for hair removal from the genital area and would like to be same electrologist, is this okay?

A. Of course! When you book your appointment you will be able to choose the time, date, location and electrologist who you will be seen by. Please note that only one electrologist does our genital procedures; and she is a lovely transwoman who has undergone the procedure herself. 


Q. Do you service other areas beside the face and genitals?

A. Absolutely! The rates wont change regardless of the area. And all areas are viable. Arm pits are a favourite! Toes are a bit painful but are quick and often overlooked by laser removal services. 



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